Inspired by Travel

Christmas in the Netherlands

Like usual it rains, but in combination with the cold it’s even worse than other times of the year. I guess roundabout 80% of the Dutch people celebrate Christmas. We keep the Christmas decoration simple, but always have a Christmas tree, which is often but a real one.

The celebration will go from the 24th to the 26th and happens within the family – my parents and sibling. Religious people would also go to the church. We open our presents mostly on the 26th, but that can vary. Our lunch and dinner dishes during Christmas are actually not especially traditional, but for breakfast we have Krentenbrood.

Comparable to the Saint Nicholas Day in other countries we have our Sinterklaas, who visits Dutch children in the night before the 6th. Probably he’s even more popular than celebrating Christmas. Children get a lot of presents and parades are happening, but when we become older we don’t really celebrate it anymore.


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